Android vs iOS App Development: 3 Main Differences

The TechClouds
2 min readAug 18, 2023


Custom mobile apps have become too much relevant for business expansions as customers demand personalization and convenience. So before you build a customized app for your business, The first thing you have to choose is the base of your app development.

Android vs iOS app development are two core mobile operating systems (Mobile OS}. Both have separate customer bases, development processes, and requirements. So, which one to choose between Android OS and Apple OS? Let’s make it clear through the core point of differences.

Android vs iOS App Development: Things You Should Know

What is Android Application?

Android Application is a Linux-based software package that was developed by Google and later by The Open Handset Alliance (OHA).

What is iOS?

iOS platform is a mobile operating system from Apple Inc. The core electronic products (iPhones, iPads) from Apple Inc run on this operating system.

Programming language

Android Apps are mostly written on Java and Kotlin Programming languages. On other hand, iOS ‘s Xcode are developed by Swift and objective –C.

Development Project Timeline

iOS app development process is 30 % smaller than Android development process as Android development process is complicated than iOS development. However, application review and acceptance process is lengthy and complex on iOS mobile platform, that you can do easily on Google play.

Return On Investment

Considering app monetization strategy is necessary for android vs iOS app development. Why? This is the ultimate point that decides your ROI on app development.

Android apps earn revenue through in App ad model and iOS-based applications run on the app purchase model. Both strategy models have a different impact on revenue.

Conclusion: Android vs iOS App Development

Android Vs iOS, which one is better? To some extent, this confusion is baseless. When you know your business model, target market, and customer, there will be no room for confusion. One thing we must say, considering the budget is also import thing here.


Android vs iOS app development- which one choose? Which one suits better for every need? Read the complete blog post now, Get a quick analysis here now. Want to know more?



The TechClouds

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