How Slow Page Speed in Magento Can Kill Your Conversions?

The TechClouds
2 min readNov 23, 2023


Do you know if your Magento store page takes time to load over three seconds, 40 % of customers will abandon your page? That means it will cost the conversion rate at your Magneto store. The worst part is, that it will affect your Magento store’s profit picture.

Is your Magento store suffering from slow page loading? Read this blog to get your solution and hire Magento ecommerce development company!

How Slow Page Speed In Magento Store Can Affect The Sales?

Slow page speed on Magneto has a profound impact on sales. Here are the key ways how it affects the conversion and UX:

Increase Bound Rate

If the pages in your Magento stores load slowly, it can make your website visitors frustrated and impatient. As a result, they will leave your site without exploring your products or services. It will directly affect your conversion and sales.

Cart Abandonment

Slow-loading pages affect checkouts or cart abandonment. As a result, it will lead to lost opportunities for sales. Hence, if your site has a slow loading page you will lose your potential customers.

Hamper The SEO rank and Online Visibility

The page speed is directly related to the SEO rank of your Magento store. It will hamper UX, and conversion rate and affect dwell time. As a result, it hampers the SEO rank and hence the online visibility on organic search.

Lead to Competitive Disadvantages

Slow page speed on the Magento store creates a poor user experience. Do you know 89% of customers shop with a competitor after experiencing poor UX? That means, there are high chance you will end up losing customers to your competitors.

Why Magento site page Speed can Be slow?

Here are some probable reasons that may lead to slow page speed at your Magento site:

· The lack of appropriate hosting

· Several HTTP requests and redirects

· Using high-resolution images

· Unoptimized media files

· Lack of caches

· Poorly code extensions or conflicting plug-ins

· Lack of content delivery center for content and images

· Lack of flexible features to handle increased traffic

· Unoptimized database queries

· Large and uncompressed files etc.

Hire Magento Ecommerce Development Company To Improve Magento Store Speed

Hire a Magento ecommerce development company if you want to improve your Magento store performance. You can’t optimize the Magento store speed without technical knowledge and experience. As we know, building Magento development needs professional knowledge in web development and design.



The TechClouds

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